• New test of Fully automatic fence mesh welding machine

      Recently, we have made a new mesh welding machine. This is a fully automatic fence mesh welding machine. Both the line wire and cross wire will be straightened and cut in advance. However, the feeding of the line wire and cross wire are automatically completed by the funnel, without manual material placement.

      And after mesh welding, the machine automatically transfers it to the bending machine for bending. After bending, there is automatic stacking system put the mesh neatly as mesh stacks.

      This set of welding and bending systems can help customers greatly saves labor. Only one or two people are needed to operate it, saving personnel costs. Improve the automation level of the factory.

      This machine will be shipped in the end of October. If you are interest in fully automatic fence mesh welding machine test machine, welcome to come to our factory in Anping, Hebei province, China.


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